Reflections on a Kickstarter Campaign

- originally published February 25, 2019 -

Our Kickstarter campaign closed today at noon, and I could not be more thankful!!! With your help, we have raised $5,744 to record “Restore,” film a music video along with it, promote it well, work to raise funds for Restore NYC and Nomi Network, and raise awareness about the story behind the song. These are our goals for this project, and with your funding, we are able to embark on the journey! Now we just need prayers, focus, and patience as we go along 

I will be posting “Restore” project updates on my blog (right here), social media, and the Kickstarter campaign page itself over the next few months.

When I first set out to run this campaign, I wasn’t exactly sure how it would go. It felt like a huge risk, and I didn’t know a ton about crowd funding. At the same time, I knew that I couldn’t do it without Kickstarter at this point in my life, so I kind of had no choice!!! Then something crazy happened. I was completely touched over and over by generosity from people I know, people I kind of know, and even people I’ve never met. All of the sudden, recording this single wasn’t just “my project,” but rather something that I get to do with 98 of my friends. This is what it’s about. These things aren’t mine to hold onto, and I’m discovering that I love it that way.

So I have learned a lot through this crowd funding experience, and no doubt still have lots to learn. Thank you for your support. I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH!!! Ok, gotta get to work.  you all! -Rorie